Probabilmente tutti vorrebbero vivere
una vita diversa.
A volte il caso, o la vita stessa,
all'improvviso ed inaspettata, ce ne offrono l'opportunità.
Bisogna, senza rifletterci troppo,
saper cogliere e non lasciarsi sfuggire quell'unica, breve, fugace e
irripetibile opportunità.
Probablement tout le monde aimerait
vivre une vie différente.
Parfois le cas, ou la vie elle-même,
d'un coup et de façon inattendue, il offrira la chance.
Nous devons, sans trop réfléchir,
grab, et à ne pas manquer, le bref, fugace et irremplaçable
Probably everyone would like to live a different life.
Sometimes the case, or life itself, suddenly and unexpectedly, there will offer the opportunity.
We must, without thinking too much, to grasp it and not miss that one, brief, fleeting and unrepeatable opportunity.
Probably everyone would like to live a different life.
Sometimes the case, or life itself, suddenly and unexpectedly, there will offer the opportunity.
We must, without thinking too much, to grasp it and not miss that one, brief, fleeting and unrepeatable opportunity.
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